Spacechem magic
Spacechem magic

spacechem magic
  1. #Spacechem magic how to#
  2. #Spacechem magic series#
spacechem magic

I did enjoy the postmortem of Myst and learned some interesting things there. I attended a few more lectures but most of them did not live up to the indie lectures on days 1 and 2. As always, connecting up with the local indie/gaming crowd is fun. I did go to a nice dinner at a Chinese restaurant with about 30 other Georgia gamers. I didn’t attend any of the big parties at the GDC, nor go to any of the awards stuff…I’m not really a “gamer” at heart in that way.

#Spacechem magic how to#

I heard story after story of developers spending a year or more of their time making a “great game” but not figuring out how to get seen in that space and making peanuts for their efforts. I’m not ready to head to that space yet (as long as I can continue to make profitable Casual Download games for the PC).Īlthough I have no doubt that some of the “middlemen” in that space will make money, I think it’s incredibly difficult for a game developer to get notice and make money in that space. Everyone (and their brother/sister) it seemed is pushing Mobile development but it actually makes me happy knowing that. Ok…so Day 3 was the first day of the Expo and it was way bigger than when I saw it 3 years ago. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like the early puzzles are easy…but each one (in the tutorial and first area) seem to be designed to teach me “one thing” to add to the bag-of-tricks needed to solve later puzzles. Now that I’ve got the hang of the interface, I’m looking forward to the puzzles getting harder. I’ve been playing SpaceChem when I can, and at first I just loved it and it was fun trying to get the hang of the interface. My excitement overwhelms me…and he immediately gave me the next 10 minutes of his time…one-on-one…answering some questions about Spacechem…etc… Go to my RPI Mixer…and who walks in from Class of ’08…. Decide it’s the one game, I’m definitely playing when I head home. Decide it’s an awesome game, successful, hard-puzzle…and mostly abstract (in some ways yes, in others not so abstract).ģ. Attend a lecture where SpaceChem was shown.Ģ.

#Spacechem magic series#

I know that doesn’t quite explain why that’s so great…and part of it was the series of events.ġ. And….I found out he was an RPI graduate as well. I met THE Zach Barth of Zachtronics – Spacechem fame. Here’s a little item from day 2 that I posted about on Facebook.ĭay 2 was the best day yet at the GDC. The first two days of talks in the indie-dev track were informative, inspiring and energizing. The GDC was once again great on so many levels. I’ve been back for over a week now, and once again I really suck at timely blogging.

Spacechem magic